Proposal for the Last 3 Pools on October 23

I propose to have these 3 pairs to be added to Luaswap Pool on October 23:

  1. FTT-ETH

This is my reasoning for the FTT pairs:
FTT pairs has horrible liquidity on uniswap but there are so many traders on FTX holding FTT. If we can have more FTT pairs, a fraction of those tens of thousands of FTX traders will come to provide liquidity on luaswap. Not only this, luaswap might become a decentralized swap for FTX traders that is seeking a decentralized solution if they dont want to keep their funds on a CEX (with the recent OKEX shenaningan).

And this is my reasoning for the OKB-WBTC pair:
As we know, OKEX is probably the top exchange in spot BTC trading with the most BTC traders on there. Some would even say out of all the CEX, OKEX has the most effect on BTC price. Unfortunately, withdrawal for OKEX has been stopped due to a money laundering investigation, leaving OKEX traders stranded with nowhere else to keep trading BTC. Now of course most of the OKB tokens are kept on OKEX exchange and cannot leave OKEX but there are almost 42000 other wallets holding OKB outside of OKEX exchange and many of them holding almost 20000 OKB (source: etherscan). Now if we have a pool for those OKEX traders to come to either provide liquidity or to trade BTC then we would receive huge volume. After this investigation, I bet OKEX traders would be really sick of CEX because of the situation “Not your key, not your coin” and they would definitely want to look for a decentralized trading platform where they can trade BTC without having to worry about frozen fund.