What Applications Would You Like To See On TomoChain?

I want to start a discussion around the types of apps that the TomoChain community would like to see built on TomoChain.

Perhaps it’s an app that you’ve seen deployed on another network, a unique idea you had, or something you’re currently working on.

Maybe from this discussion we can get the ball rolling on some of these ideas!

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Everything NFT related. Market places, minting tools etc. Depolying zora.co contracts will be nice - it provides auctions derectly in the contract code.

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Starting a discussion around potential apps on the TomoChain network is a great way to foster innovation and collaboration within the community. Here are some ideas to kick off the conversation:

  1. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Apps:
  • Explore the possibility of building decentralized exchanges, lending platforms, or liquidity pools on TomoChain to enhance the DeFi ecosystem.
  1. NFT Marketplaces:
  • Consider creating a platform for artists, gamers, or content creators to tokenize and trade their assets as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the TomoChain blockchain.
  1. Supply Chain Tracking:
  • Build an application that utilizes TomoChain’s features to create transparent and secure supply chain tracking, ensuring the authenticity and origin of products.
  1. Gaming and Collectibles:
  • Develop blockchain-based games or collectibles that leverage TomoChain’s fast transaction speeds and low fees for in-game transactions.
  1. Identity Verification:
  • Explore building an identity verification platform on TomoChain, providing a secure and decentralized way for users to verify their identity without relying on a central authority.
  1. Social Networking DApps:
  • Create decentralized social media platforms or communication apps on TomoChain to provide users with more control over their data and privacy.
  1. Cross-Border Payments:
  • Explore applications for facilitating cross-border payments and remittances using TomoChain’s fast and cost-effective transactions.
  1. Tokenized Real Estate:
  • Investigate the potential for tokenizing real estate assets on TomoChain, allowing for fractional ownership and easier investment in the real estate market.
  1. Charity and Donation Platforms:
  • Build platforms for transparent and traceable charitable donations, ensuring that funds are distributed efficiently and securely.
  1. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs):
  • Develop DAOs on TomoChain, allowing community members to participate in decision-making processes and contribute to the development of the ecosystem.

Encourage the community to share their thoughts, feedback, and additional ideas. Collaboration and open discussions can lead to the identification of valuable projects and the formation of teams interested in bringing these ideas to life on the TomoChain network.
Contact: HUP365

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