Unable to withdraw from TomoWallet

Hi, I was staking TomoChain on TomoWallet and didn’t receive any information or notifications regarding the security breach/deletion of the app until July 7th, which as you may know, was almost a week after the app was to be disabled. I managed to unstake my Tomo but I cannot withdraw them. Please help. Thanks.

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First of all, we’re really sorry for this inconvenience. After the official announcement of Tomowallet Android App Removal, we sent the direct notification on how to migrate users’ assets to other wallets via app.

Right now, if you want to unvote your tokens with the old address created by TomoWallet Android, please extract your private key and add it to TomoMaster or TomoWallet on IOS to proceed unvoting/withdrawing.

For urgent support, you can contact me via Telegram handle: @MiKeysel32.

Thank you.


I appreciate your help. Do I need to use an app on iOS to transfer my funds to?


Yeah, I recommend you need a new one to save your fund. However the first thing you should do is to import your current private key to withdraw your tokens.

Hope it helps.

Hi, I’ve managed to import my Tomo onto TomoWallet on iOS, but I can’t send from that wallet and receive on my coinspot. It says my tomochain address on coinspot is invalid, and when I use QR code it freezes. Exactly the same as my android TomoWallet. Thanks


Can you DM me via Telegram sir.

Thank you.

Apologies, I don’t have Telegram

Edit: I didn’t realise these emails were being posted directly onto the forums. I’ve added you on Telegram

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Hi, I am still waiting on a response from this. Thank you.

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Hi, have you found me on Telegram yet? @JesseHaas

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I’ve dm-ed you. Please check your inbox.

Thank you.