TomoZ token TRC21 Tranfer without TOMO?

I’ve tried create TRC21 Token in Testnet to test if user can make transactions the Token without $TOMO in user’s wallet, but it’s not woking.I’m not sure what I done wrong, I’ve already apply to TomoZ protocal and also deposit $TOMO for TRC-21 fee fund.

even tried to transfer to Token contract, user still need to pay gas as $TOMO

That fee is taken from TRC21 fee fund.

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Thanks for your answer, but still that user must have some $TOMO in their wallet to validate the transfer.

I recommend you use tomowallet to transfer tokens. Some wallets required tomo(from the wallet side) when signing tx

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I’ve done the transfer testing by via MetaMask,
Do you mean I should try use tomowallet as mobile app instead ?

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Not really, you can still use the wallet website with private key or hardware wallet. Metamask requires tomo to sign tx but does not actually take tomo for fee


Hi pet3rpan, he means he recommends you to try to transact via TomoWallet mobile app. In case you want to use web wallet, you need to follow the wallet’s requirements for holding tomo in your address to proceed with the transaction.