Tomoe on tomowallet

so i transferred tomoe to my tomowallet and it doesnt show up.
how do i convert it to native tomo?
its not a metamask wallet so dont know how to continue…

my understanding is that i have to import the wallet in metamask using my private key but my tomowallet adress was created with ledger nano, so for now i dont know how to extract it.

is there even a way to access the ethereum wallet where my tomoe is now stored?

hi, on ios i cant import my ledger wallet tho.

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im not sure what you mean?
my wallet is on the tomochain app on ledger (m/44’/889’/0’/0)
the ethereum app is required, so its installed on my ledger as well.
if i connect to any network using the eth app, it shows my wallets from the eth derivation path.

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i was finally able to transfer the tomoe tokens, this is how:
there is a tool that can create the private keys from your ledger using your recovery phrase, called iancoleman/bip39 (only use offline!!)
a bit tricky because tomo is missing there, but it can be used with custom derivation paths.
tomoapp on ledger is using m/44’/889’/0’/0.
then i could import the wallet to metamask and send the tokens from there.