How to help Tomochain get more adoption?

Tomochain has awesome tech, tbh.

But it seems very few uses $TOMO to build new DApps, Games, businesses? And daily active users on Tomochain network seems confused.

For example, here is the list:

And almost DEXs has no volume at all, except TomoDex run by Tomochain Team.

Any ideas why and how to help improve adoption?


Liquidity between the DEXs is shared so the other DEX owners have the advantage that they don’t start straight at the beginning. They “just” need to get people on their DEX to raise the volume which requires some heavy marketing on their part. DEX owners will have limited funds for marketing though so if I were one of them I would wait for a strategically good moment, f.e. when more tokens are listed and liquidity is even better through marketing on Tomos side. It’s just the start so don’t worry about it. Ideally if TomoDEX gets some traction, the other DEX owners will have more incentive to promote their own platforms. I would probably make a smooth landingpage with a proper faq section and everything in a specific language (my dex market) and SEO optimize everything as good as possible.

For adoption I think we can help and talk to existing game developers on their telegram or discord channels and tell them about Tomo and its benefits. I did that for a couple of games already. Try to get the word out in a supportive way for them.


Blockchain is still a very new subject to the world, so just like the Internet, it takes time for it to be adopted. Plus, sometimes people are very held back when it comes to new changes, especially when we’ve already had a very stable with the normal financial system.

But I can already see a very positive move on adoption. Like, blockchain usage used to spin around DeFi, but now crypto companies managed to spread it to different fields, like Dapps or even in health care, food banks. Recently Coca Cola allows to pay with Bitcoin as well. That’s a big move right! I guess we’ve got to be more patient as well!


Totally agree with Mr. Sloth up there!

I think apart from all the effort in building products, patience is key. I mean, practice makes perfect right. In time, blockchain will be able to integrate into enough real-life use cases and gain more mainstream users.

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I don’t really much agree that Blockchain is still very new and we should wait for the market to be more mature.

Tomochain seems to be very behind the competitors, check here:

I believe we couldn’t share much of the current market.

Btw, I wondered that if Tomochain team has any insights from blockchain developers around the world? Like surveys, ama, … etc

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the technology I personally assume still just scratching the surface. Probably we cant be sure if this subject would go big time or vanish into thin air. Yes, still in the early phase of this development so let’s all strike forward to the maturity phase.

I will add my list with simple things that YOU can do for helping with adoption:

  1. Engage with TomoChain content on Social Media. if you don’t have a Twitter, Telegram or Reddit account, create one! Like, Retweet and comment in a positive way.

  2. Give constructive feedback to the team. By “constructive” I mean don’t FUD and complain.

  3. Be active in different blockchain forums or other forums, get to know people’s problems in your community (online or physical) and suggest TomoChain as a solution.

  4. Use TomoChain products as much as you can. Right now that means mostly trading, lending or borrowing on Tomo Dexes.

  5. Stake on TomoMaster, on the community nodes owned by those that support the ecosystem.

  6. Test new products built on TomoChain, give feedback, bug reports and so on. Support dapps and tokens that build upon TomoChain (not scams of course).

  7. Learn Solidity and some other programming language like Javascript (and frameworks like React or Vue). I recommend to learn Solidity. Programming is not as hard as you think it might be!

  8. Build your own dapp on TomoChain if you have time. Seek help in community forums if you need help with technical stuff. Here are some guides:

  9. Use Ethereum dapps, get to know the community and devs, suggest migrating to TomoChain by explaining the benefits for the particular dapp, without being pushy.


Open the token bridge to all ERC20, that will increase trading volume dramatically.

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Agree. Decentralized TomoBridge somehome would help other DEX operators more active with their DEXs.

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This is a superb list of how everyday people can help. Thanks for the links to Solidity and tomo dev how to’s!

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Tomobridge is open to all erc-20. Users have listed dozens or so products that can be swapped, such as USDC, LINK, others.

Kindly refer to the wallet app and review Tomo bridge. I’m just a user but happy to help where I can.



Tomo fam! Do we have any great graphics and/or metrics to show the carbon neutrality of the network?