AMA with LuaSwap team

Tune in to our AMA in our main Telegram chat @LuaSwap at 1PM UTC, Sep 14 to interact w/ our Product Manager Nang Nguyen😍& Marketing Manager Tryphena.

Topics include:
:rocket:Latest progress
:rocket:NFT-related features
:rocket:Multichain integration
and more!

:moneybag:10,000 $LUA for 10 selected questions

To join the fun
:zap: Follow @LuaSwap & join @LuaSwap
:zap: Like​:heart: RT :arrows_counterclockwise: the post & Tag 3 friends with #LuaSwap #LUAturns2 #LuaSwapAMA
:zap: Comment ur questions for the team

We’ll see you soonnn!:raised_hands: